Several authors have been interested in the history of Rawdon. According to their interests and the sources of information at their disposal, these authors emphasized different elements of this history. Their analyses focused on historical periods, family genealogy, religion, culture and even the culinary arts. Their texts are written in English or French and, in some cases, in both languages. Sometimes, versions of their material are written in languages other than English and French, reflecting the multicultural character of Rawdon. They are presented in various formats, either print (book) or electronic (website).

All of them have contributed to improving our knowledge of Rawdon’s history, but this history can still be better known. In order to streamline this site, they are not always cited after each article. We would like to thank the following people (in alphabetical order) and identify their publications.

  1. Beaudry, Alban, Les écoles de rang de Rawdon (1891-1957), 2001
  2. Blagrave Prudhomme, Beverly, Rawdon History website
  3. Brady, Gérard, Mon village, 1995
  4. Brady, Gérard, Une bien belle histoire, 1987, 336 pages
  5. Collective, Sur la route des souvenirs : gens du chemin Kildare et des environs, 2014
  6. Fournier, Marcel, Rawdon : 175 ans d’histoire, Joliette, 1974, 316 pages
  7. Gervais, R. et Pontbriand, C., Fonds Henri Pontbriand, Bibliothèque et archives nationales du Québec
  8. Lambert, Michel, La cuisine de Lanaudière website
  9. Larocque, Jean-Guy, Rawdon, mosaïque de cultures et de religions website
  10. Parkinson, Daniel, UP TO RAWDON. PART ONE and PART TWO website 

Other credits

The digitized collection entitled “Rawdon, mosaïque de cultures et de religions” was produced with the support of “Canada’s Digital Collections” program of Industry Canada. It is available at the following address:

This website, developed by Mr. Jean-Guy Larocque and his collaborators and produced by Tegnet Multimédia under the direction of Connexion-Lanaudière, served as the basis for the design and content of the first pages of this website. Its reproduction is authorized on the express condition that the source be mentioned and that there be a link to the Connexion-Lanaudière site at the following address:

It should also be mentioned that this website uses as sources the books written by Marcel Fournier and Gérard Brady, identified above, as well as the following secondary sources:

  • Joseph Bouchette, Topographic Description of Lower Canada, 1832
  • Joseph Bouchette, Description topographique du Bas-Canada, London, 1815
  • Rawdon Historical Society

Other collaborators

Le site Web intitulé «Chroniques anachroniques» contient plusieurs articles portant sur Rawdon. Ils se retrouvent à l’adresse suivante: